Save the date and join us!
Thursday, April 4 – Sunday, April 7, 2024
The United Taxidermists of New York will again host its show in Auburn, New York.
Holiday Inn Auburn-Finger Lakes Region
75 North Street
Auburn, New York 13021
What is the UTNY taxidermy show?
The United Taxidermists of New York hosts an annual, weekend-long taxidermy show that includes a convention and competition. You do not have to enter a piece into the competition in order to attend the convention, nor do you have to be a professional taxidermist. Convention attendees can take advantage of seminars, view competition pieces, talk with suppliers, and meet some of the best artists in the business. If you also want to compete, that’s great! You can read more about the rules and categories of competition here.
Learn from award-winning taxidermists, improve your skills, and grow your network. Whether taxidermy is your new hobby or you’re operating a full-time business, you’ll benefit from attending the show.

Convention and Competition FAQs
- Convention
- Competition
- Venue
Who can attend the convention?
Convention attendees must be members of the United Taxidermists of New York. You can renew your membership or become a new member at the time you register for the convention.
Do I have to compete in order to attend the convention?
No, you do not need to enter any pieces in the competition in order to attend seminars and participate in convention events.
Can I bring a guest or my family?
A non-member may attend the convention as a guest of a UTNY member. UTNY members may register up to four guests or family members as part of their convention registration package. Your registered guests and family members may participate in seminars, purchase supplies from vendors, and take part in standard convention activities. Guests may attend the banquet for an additional fee.
Will there be activities for kids?
Yes! Children are welcome at the UNTY convention, and many enter pieces in the Youth competition division. While we prefer very young children do not attend our professional seminars, we do offer a child's seminar that includes a free activity or craft. The Holiday Inn also has an indoor swimming pool! Your kids can attend the banquet if you purchase a $10 ticket for them.
How much does it cost?
Registration for the entire convention (a four-day pass) costs $50 and includes yourself and up to four guests or family members. If you only plan to attend for one day, the cost is $30. The one-day option also allows up to four guests.
Your banquet ticket, if you wish to attend, costs $40. Your guests will pay this fee as well. If your guest is a child, their banquet ticket is only $10. If a non-member guest is joining you for the banquet only and no portion of the convention, their ticket to eat will cost $45.
What's included with my registration?
Your convention registration includes access to the competition floor and the supply area. You will be able to attend seminars, vote for special award winners, and participate in silent auctions, raffles, and more.
What's not included?
Your annual UTNY dues ($35 annually) are not included in your convention registration but must be paid in order to attend. Please note that hotel accommodations, a banquet meal ticket, access to Thursday's full-day seminar, and any competition entry fees are NOT included as part of your standard convention registration.
Who is eligible to compete?
Any due-paying UTNY member. Children 16 years and under competing in the Youth division may do so if their parent/family member is a due-paying UTNY member—they will not need to pay their own dues.
Do I have to pay for convention registration in order to enter a competition piece?
Yes, you must be registered for the convention in order to enter a piece into the competition.
Can guests see my competition piece without registering for the convention?
Yes. Your family or guests may view your competition entries before and after ribbons are placed, but only while the competition floor is open. They may not participate in seminars or access the supplier show.
Can I enter more than one piece?
Absolutely. Many people enter multiple show pieces into the competition. A single piece can also be entered into more than one category. For example, you may enter a fox mount with its accompanying habitat into the Small Life-Size Mammal category within your division and the open Habitat category. Learn more about divisions, categories, and multiple entries here.
What are the rules and logistics of the competition?
Some rules apply to all competitors, while others are specific to certain category entries. You must choose a division and category for each of your pieces. You can review detailed rules and categories of competition here.
How are pieces scored?
Scoring can vary per category, but in general, entrants compete for a score on a 100-point scale, rather than against one another. UTNY uses the official score sheets of the World Taxidermy Championships.
90–100 points: First Place ribbon
80–89 points: Second Place ribbon
70–79 points: Third Place ribbon
What are special awards?
Based on your point-value score, you are eligible for Best of Category awards and other point-based awards. There are also special awards that are given at the discretion of our judges, taxidermists' choice, vendors, UTNY board members, and the president. Special awards are announced at Saturday's banquet. You do not need to be present to accept your award.
How much does it cost to enter?
Entires for mounts are $25 each with advanced registration. You may register and enter your pieces at the start of the show, but the cost will increase to $40. Wildlife Art entires are $10. If you'd like to be considered for the Best All-Around Taxidermist or UTNY Distinguished Taxidermist special awards, you will pay an additional $25 each to enter. The cost for competing in the President's Challenge category is an additional $10.
Where is the convention and competition held?
The UTNY convention and competition will be held at the Holiday Inn Auburn-Finger Lakes region. We have held the show at this location for several years and are pleased with its accommodations and amenities. The Holiday Inn went through an extensive renovation in 2018 and is a great place to stay.
Is it a family-friendly venue?
Yes! The hotel features restaurants, an indoor swimming pool, and comfortable rooms. While you are not required to stay at the Holiday Inn, our competitors and attendees have found the venue very convenient.
Is there a room discount for convention attendees?
Yes. If you book your stay at least two weeks prior to the convention, you will lock in a room rate of $90 per night. Use the block code UTN when booking.
How do I book my stay?
You must call the venue directly to book your stay at 315-253-4531. A room reservation is not included as part of your show registration.